100mb.ru is not active web hosting company on WHTop

100mb.ru is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at http://www.reg.ru/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


REG.RU assumes all obligations to provide hosting services, register and renew domains for 100MB.RU customers
The office of 100MB.RU is closed.

Hosting provider 100MB.RU transfers maintenance of hosting services to the domain name registrar REG.RU. The cooperation of the companies is a continuation of REG.RU 's strategy to stimulate the consolidation of the Russian hosting market.

Over 3000 commercial subscribers
Fully switched 1000Mbps network, modern data center located in Moscow
The servers located with us are always available from any part of the Runet at maximum speed !
Powerful certified two-processor servers.
Modern software: Apache Web Server, PHP 5.X, Perl 5.X, MySQL, PostgreSQL, QMail.
Unified hosting management system H-Sphere .
Anti-virus mail and spam filtering.
Customer service department located in Moscow
Competent and polite technical support.
Free registration and sending of accounting documents by state mail.
Competitive prices and the possibility of ordering online .

Virtual hosting clients are given the opportunity to take advantage of the most modern multi-server solution, in which web, mail, sql and dns services are hosted on different physical servers, united by a common H-Sphere management system.

You get the most complete set of services, including Apache settings management, mail server management, access to web mail, checking incoming mail for spam and viruses, managing sql databases through a convenient and secure web interface.

Contact info


Phone: +7 495 9280939
Fax: +7 495 9280939

100mb.ru is inactive, but is redirected to reg.ru