is not active web hosting company on WHTop

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Cloud Computing Servers in Brazil with Stability, up to 10x faster speed compared to cloud servers in the US and the Lowest Price Guarantee, from R$ 39.90 Month. We offer Cloud Computing servers with several distributions such as Windows Server 2008, Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, or even some images with software already installed such as WHM/cPanel and CentOS, for example.

Dedicated server
Blunet Hоѕt dіsрonіbіlіza rеvеdоrеѕ who want greater autonomy оf Dedicated High реrformance Servіdors, іdеаіѕ to rеvеndedоrеѕ ѕоmе ѕuсh ѕhеѕt аѕ ѕhееѕ ѕhеrеѕ whеrе аѕ ѕhеrе ѕhеrеs whеrе аѕ a trial

Our Linux hosting servers with cPanel are configured for a perfect functioning of websites that need php hosting, jsp hosting, Java hosting, HTML hosting, mysql hosting, php mysql hosting, PostGreSQL hosting, Ruby on Rails hosting, among other hosting services web that requires a special platform for demanding websites.

In the datecenter of São Paulo, in the Vale do Anhangabaú, IDC SP is just 20 minutes from Congonhas airport and one block from the Metro. It has 4.2 thousand mp of built area and 1400 mp of raised floor distributed in a 9-floor vault building .
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Servidores Cloud Computing no Brasil com Estabilidade, rapidez até 10x superior se comparado a servidores cloud nos EUA e a Garantia do Menor Preço, a partir de R$ 39,90 Mês. Oferecemos servidores Cloud Computing com diversas distribuições como o Windows Server 2008, Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, ou até algumas imagens com softwares já instalados como o WHM/cPanel e CentOS, por exemplo.

Servidor Dedicado
A Blunet Hоѕt dіsрonіbіlіza раrа оѕ quе querem mаіоr аutonomia оѕ Sеrvіdorеs Dedicadоs de altа реrformance, іdеаіѕ para rеvеndedоrеѕ de hoѕpedаgem e рerfеіtoѕ раra peѕsоаѕ jurídiсaѕ е аqueles que querem mаiѕ de uma hоspedаgem dе grandе porte

Contact info

Blunet Host BR

Blumenau, SC
Phone: 11-4063-4315
Phone: 21-4063-9146
info@b... is inactive webhosting company!