is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Cloud Maker is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


CloudMaker is a high level of IT service delivery quality:
own cloud solutions, linux system administration, 24/7 support and understanding of the client's tasks.

Our team includes specialists with many years of experience in administering Linux systems (over 10 years). During this time, we managed to acquire skills that allow us to design, implement and ensure maximum fault tolerance of highly loaded systems. In addition, we successfully develop our own products, which have received a lot of positive feedback from satisfied customers and have proven their effectiveness more than once.

Equipment - we use only professional equipment, which we place in reliable and time-tested data centers.
High-quality technical support - every day our specialists help to solve many problems of our customers. We are constantly working to ensure that the response to customer requests requires a minimum of waiting. In addition, technical support staff undergo continuous training, which allows them to solve problems even faster.
Transparent calculations - we make working with finances not only simple, but also profitable. Funds are debited on a daily basis, which allows you to more finely control the costs of server infrastructure.
Tariff plans - having sufficient experience, we have developed an extremely convenient tariff scale that allows you not to overpay for resources that you do not need.
API - our api allows you to automate the creation, management and control of cloud servers. Integration with our api will allow you to have full control over your entire fleet of cloud servers, starting from the creation process.

-- lang ru --
Наша команда включает в себя специалистов с многолетним опытом администрирования Linux систем (более 10-ти лет). За это время мы успели приобрести навыки, которые позволяют нам проектировать, внедрять и обеспечивать максимальную отказоустойчивость высоконагруженных систем. Кроме того, мы успешно разрабатываем собственные продукты, которые получили массу положительных отзывов от довольных клиентов и не раз доказали свою эффективность.

Contact info

IP Bagrintsev A.G.
Legal address: 355000, Stavropol, st. Surikova, 39

Email: (all questions),