is not active web hosting company on WHTop is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at
Additionally you can read their older review page!
Description is an online project at Quanta SRL and owned by it. Founded in 2007 in Oradea, entirely with Romanian capital, the company SC Quanta SRL is an initiative to emancipate the IT&C market and consulting in Oradea, the way it would be recommended to conduct business: computerized, online, open, personalized and in accordance with European and international requirements for obtaining the necessary certifications.We therefore distinguish the double direction of the services we offer to our clients:
- consulting and audit services in order to obtain and subsequently maintain the certifications related to quality management and environmental protection, preparation of the necessary documentation and consulting on its presentation and compliance, but especially the establishment together with the management echelon in your company. of the procedures required for certification and implementation of the way of working in the company according to them.
- IT solutions implementation services; here we are talking about IT&C as a whole and how it can help you, both in hardware, software and in communications, with an emphasis on introducing web-based applications in companies' infrastructure, offering various web design services: creating websites, internal portals, e-mail and web messaging services, CMS, forums, billing and / or management applications, hosted either by your infrastructure or by us, through web hosting services;
-- lang ro -- este un proiect online al Quanta SRL si proprietate a acesteia. Infiintata in anul 2007 in municipiul Oradea, in intregime cu capital romanesc, compania SC Quanta SRL este o initiativa de emancipare a pietei IT&C si consultantei din Oradea, a felului in care ar fi recomandat sa se deruleze afacerile: informatizat, online, deschis, personalizat si in concordanta cu cerintele europene si internationale privind obtinerea certificarilor de rigoare.
Se distinge asadar dubla directie a serviciilor pe care le oferim clientilor nostri:
- servicii de consultanta si audit in vederea obtinerii, si ulterior a mentinerii certificarilor ce tin de management-ul calitatii si de protectia mediului, intocmirea documentatiei necesare si consultanta privind prezentarea si respectarea acesteia, dar mai ales stabilirea impreuna cu esalonul conducerii din compania dumneavoastra a procedurilor impuse de certificare si implementarea modului de lucru in firma conform acestora.
- servicii de implementare a solutiilor informatice; aici vorbim despre IT&C per ansamblu si felul in care va poate ajuta, atat hardware, software cat si in comunicatii, cu un accent pus pe introducerea in infrastructura companiilor a aplicatiilor web-based, oferind servicii diverse de web design: realizare website-uri, portaluri interne, servicii de e-mail si mesagerie web, CMS-uri, forumuri, aplicatii de facturare si/sau gestiune, gazduite fie de infrastructura dumneavoastra, fie de a noastra, prin serviciile de web hosting;
Contact info
Str. Szigligeti Ede nr. 16Oradea