is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Datacenta is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

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We deliver secure and reliable services to the sectors whose business and administration functions depend on secure and reliable services. We are Co-located and work in partnership with the other members of the Kimcell group of companies, including a dedicated public sector ICT consultancy practice and an Application Development practice. Our business focus is on the Public, Utilities and Not-for-Profit sectors, and the Application Developer community that develops online solutions for them.

Bringing together our sophisticated infrastructure with an established performance track record and specialist technicians frees your organization from building and managing an IT infrastructure.

We also work with Government bodies across the UK, where location is not an issue and not being in London may also count as a positive.

Co-Location: you buy and own the servers that deliver the IT services your business needs, but we build them and locate them in our environmentally-controlled, secure server rooms, taking advantage of facilities such as controlled computer-room access, uninterruptible power supplies, constant environment monitoring and 24/7 support capabilities.

Managed Applications: A comprehensively monitored and managed system, underpinned by proven service delivery are the hallmarks of our dedicated Managed Applications hosting. For 'standard' environments (e.g. Oracle, MySQL, SAP, etc.), we've usually done it before and you can take advantage of that experience in terms of speed of implementation and thus Time To Benefit. However, we like nothing better than to design, build and operate bespoke hosted solutions from the ground up.

Managed Hosting: In this service, we take over the management of the servers from you - we can also go as far as design, finance, and configuration of those servers to a jointly-agreed specification, and may include such facilities as load-balanced performance, fail-over configurations and/or clustered database capabilities.

First back-up plan, using the acclaimed Crashplan PROe solution, ensures that the data you entrust us with are encrypted on your server(s) before transmission to us, for compressed storage on clustered, RAID-equipped servers in our underground primary centre, and every version of every file (there's no limit to the number of versions we can hold) undergoes automated integrity checking every day. Your archives are validated, validated and validated again - that's one of the reasons we call our service "Assured Restore".

Datacenta partners with Solution Providers to offer a secure and affordable hosting infrastructure that fits to their business model. We free up time and capital thereby allowing our customers to focus on their customers and deliver what they do best. We take away the pain of dealing with the day to day support and maintenance matters to deliver a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operation. Cloud, dedicated and hybrid solutions are used to ensure performance and affordability are balanced.

Contact info

Q.20, Data Drive, Dorset Innovation Park, Winfrith Newburgh, DT2 8GB
01202 755 370