dtln.ru is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Data Line is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at https://www.dtln.ru/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


DataLine is a provider of cloud services based on its own TIER III data centers. We help businesses and governments build reliable and scalable IT infrastructure .

DataLine is part of the Rostelecom-Data Center group of companies
The group is engaged in the development of data center infrastructure, cloud services, traffic exchange services and CDN.

20261 racks in our data centers
149 MWtotal installed capacity
38000 m2 total area
Tier III Uptime Institute Certifications
Our services are used by TOP-20 banks, the largest retail companies, online stores, social networks, media and integrators. We take data privacy very seriously, so we sign NDA with all clients and do not disclose the names of our clients.

-- lang RU --
DataLine — провайдер облачных сервисов на базе собственных дата-центров TIER III. Мы помогаем коммерческим компаниям и государственным организациям строить надежную и масштабируемую ИТ-инфраструктуру.

Contact info

Legal address:
111020, Moscow,
Borovaya st., House 7,
building 10, room VII,
floor 2, room. 8-13

8 800 250 65 10

Free within Russia
+ 7 (495) 784 65 05
Postal address:
111020, Moscow,
Borovaya st., 7,
building 10
+7 (812) 339 64 54
St. Petersburg
+7 (912) 031 09 99
+7 (938) 163 65 99
Receiving complaints