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GSWEB: Technology Solutions – Website Hosting on the Internet

Only a company with more than 20 years of experience in IT and more than 10 years acting as a hosting provider can offer the quality you need.

The differentials offered by GSWEB are also present in the infrastructure, connectivity, security, qualified technical support for managing your account. Our solution was designed down to the smallest detail, to fully meet the needs of companies, whose applications require high performance and availability, eliminating the need for large investments, with costs the size of your budget. With the GSWEB hosting solution , you will be using our highly reliable connection, for a minimal fraction of what it would cost to maintain your own structure.

Simplicity, efficiency and personalized service.
These are the main characteristics that differentiate GSWEB from other companies.

• Accommodation
Professional hosting plans.
Website registration and hosting. Access statistics. Webmail. Anti-Spam Antivirus. Control panel. Personalized service. Database.

• Virtual Card
It all starts with a business card.
Easily share your digital business card with anyone using a QR-Code or send a link via Email, WhatsApp. You can download the QR-Code and print it on pamphlets, bulletins, newsletters or billboards.

• GSWAY – Vehicle and people monitoring.
The system developed by GSWAY

GSWEB has a modern infrastructure, which allows autonomy in terms of electricity needs, as it has generators and a UPS room (both systems with redundancy), in addition to independent circuits for each rack. It has 3 air conditioning systems, with central air conditioning and window model equipment (connected to the generators), which guarantee redundancy in any situation. Fire system, with strategically located fire extinguishers and smoke detectors with alarm and managed by a specialized company. Connections with redundant internet backbone links, with several telecommunications operators. 24×7 monitoring by the NOC (Network Operation Center) team and proactive recovery action.

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Soluções em Tecnologia – Hospedagem de Sites na Internet
• Hospedagem
Registro e hospedagem de site. Estatísticas de acesso. Webmail. Antivírus Antispam. Painel de Controle. Atendimento personalizado. Banco de dados. Planos de hospedagem e revenda..
• Sistema de Monitoramento de Veículos. Conheça a GSWAY
O sistema desenvolvido pela GSWAY introduz uma nova modalidade de localização e rastreamento, permitindo que o próprio usuário monitore seu veiculo, frota de carros, ônibus, caminhões, embarcações ou objetos diretamente de seu computador.

A GSWEB conta com uma moderna infra-estrutura, que permite autonomia quanto às necessidades de energia elétrica, por contar com geradores e sala de no-break (ambos sistemas com redundância), além de circuitos independentes para cada rack. Conta com 3 sistemas de climatização, com ar-condicionado central e equipamentos modelo janela (conectados aos geradores), que nos garantem redundância em quaisquer situações. Sistema de incêndio, com extintores estrategicamente localizados e detectores de fumaça com alarme e gerência por empresa especializada. Conexões com links backbone internet redundantes, com diversas operadoras de telecomunicações. Monitoramento 24×7 pela equipe do NOC (Network Operation Center) e ação para recuperação pró-ativa.

Contact info

Fone: (13) 33234718
WhastApp (13) 997126034