is not active web hosting company on WHTop is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


In 1996 Sarkor Telekom was founded. Since 2004, our Company has started to provide its customers with a virtual hosting service. Understanding the needs and capabilities of our customers, relying on national interests and values, effectively using the knowledge of our employees and the resources of investors, our Company strives to ensure the stability, quality and availability of its telecommunications services for its customers!

Some of the main advantages of our company are:

Innovation - we always try to drive the change of our Company and employees in the main trend of local and global development of the telecommunications market.

Responsibility - we always deliver what we promise. We are always honest with our subscribers, because it is their trust that is our main value and the key to our success.

Simplicity - we develop and offer services that are most useful for our subscribers, easy to understand and use.

Widespread Accessibility – We are committed to making the Internet widely accessible to consumers.
-- lang ru --
В 1996 году была основана Компания Sarkor Telekom. С 2004 года наша Компания начала предоставлять своим клиентам услугу виртуального хостинга. Понимая потребности и возможности своих клиентов, опираясь на общегосударственные интересы и ценности, эффективно используя знания своих сотрудников и ресурсы инвесторов, наша Компания стремится обеспечить для своих клиентов стабильность, качество и доступность своих телекоммуникационных услуг!

Contact info

Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, st. Sh. Rashidova 97 A.

Phone : (998 )78 122 00 22
Fax : (998 )78 122 11 13


Working hours:
Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 18:00, without a lunch break.

Saturday, Sunday are days off.