is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Hosting MU is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


HostingMU.Net was founded in 2014 and has become a Domain and Hosting Provider Company in Indonesia that stands with high integrity in order to provide the best service. We grow at the desire of customers, Understanding the needs of today's technology. This growth is inseparable from instilling an attitude and awareness that this business is built on customer trust so that all activities in it are intended for one thing only - namely ensuring trust and service.
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HostingMU.Net berdiri Tahun 2014 dan men­jadi Perusa­haan Provider Domain dan Host­ing di Indone­sia yang berdiri den­gan integri­tas tinggi demi mem­berikan pelayanan ter­baik. Kami bertum­buh atas keing­i­nan pelang­gang, Mengerti kebu­tuhan teknologi saat ini. Per­tum­buhan ini tidak lepas dari penana­man sikap dan kesadaran bahwa bis­nis ini diban­gun atas keper­cayaan pelang­gan sehingga selu­ruh aktiv­i­tas yang ada didalam­nya hanya bertu­juan untuk satu hal saja – yakni men­jamin keper­cayaan dan pelayanan.

Contact info

Hosting MU

Phone: +6285-842-991 925
petirhosting@g... is inactive webhosting company!