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The best part is that we are offering you a unique, one-time opportunity to try our Virtual Servers COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE during the next 7 days! All you have to do is pay a small $1 set-up fee and use ANY VPS hosting package for the next 7 days without having to pay for it!

With your Virtual Private Server in an excellent shape and optimized to its maximum, your business will run smoothly and you will decrease the strain on your main resources in an efficient way. Also, faster loading time can be a relevant factor for your customers satisfaction.

With a wide range of virtualization technologies for both beginners and experts, virtualization can basically transform your business and save you a lot of money. There are several virtualization platforms, some of them being faster, more flexible and using fewer resources than others. Limy VPS offers 6 most popular virtualization software on the market. Simply decide on the one that suits your business demands!
Open VZ
Xen Hypervisor
Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)

Contact info

Limy VPS

info@l... is inactive webhosting company!