nx0.ru is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Nx0.ru is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at https://www.nx0.ru/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Since 2008, the hosting provider nx0.ru has been providing support services for personal and business projects of any complexity. Reliable quality and modern technology at the service of your projects. The free hosting service nx0.ru was organized with the support of the St. Petersburg Internet Network for the development of Internet technologies in Russia.

PHP5, CGI, Perl, SSI, Cron. FTP available. Increase disk space on demand. There is a built-in attendance counter.
The nx0 project provides a resource with which you host your site without financial investment.
Nx0 customer sites are available 24/7. For this, reliable communication channels and equipment are used.
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С 2008 года хостинг провайдер nx0.ru оказывает услуги по поддержке персональных и бизнес-проектов любой сложности. Надежное качество и современные технологии на службе Ваших проектов. Сервис бесплатного хостинга nx0.ru организован при поддержке Петербургской Интернет Сети для развития интернет-технологий в России.

PHP5, CGI, Perl, SSI, Cron. Доступен FTP. Увеличение дискового пространства по запросу. Имеется встроенный счётчик посещаемости.

Contact info


Phone: +7 (812) 448 -38-63
Phone: +7 (495) 721-84-58

nx0.ru is inactive webhosting company!