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In the company Presentia we want to offer you the highest quality and top quality web hosting in Slovenia. We have been dealing with web hosting since 2000, when we opened our first web hosting, where we hosted one of the most visited websites in Slovenia -

We have gained a lot of experience in web hosting management, which requires highly optimized download speeds and very fast access times, as well as more one hundred thousand & # 269; web visitors per day, allow us to continuously maintain a high level of quality web hosting. All our web hosting is located on our own servers located in Slovenia. Positive experiences more than 3,000 customers confirm our guideline of quality and excellence.

We also offer advanced web services, such as the creation of websites, domain registration (Slovenian .si and foreign .com, .net, .org and many others), SEO optimization and electronic business.

Royal easy hosting. The same price every year.
The web hosting package offers:

10GB of space for,
1 domain,
unlimited data transfer,
unlimited MySQL databases,
unlimited number of subdomains and
free SSL certificate.
We are your faithful and reliable partner.
We take care of our customers and we will also take care of your satisfaction .

Prices refer to domain registration, renewal or transfer.
All our prices already include VAT.

.SI 15.99 EUR
.COM 15.99 EUR
.NET 15.99 EUR
.EU 15.99 EUR
.ORG 15.99 EUR
.DE 15.99 EUR

-- lang si --
V podjetju Presentia vam želimo ponuditi najbolj kvalitetno in vrhunsko spletno gostovanje v Sloveniji. S spletnim gostovanjem se ukvarjamo že od leta 2000, ko smo odprli naše prvo spletno gostovanje, na katerem smo gostovali eno od najbolj obiskanih spletnih strani v Sloveniji – Številne izkušnje, ki smo jih pridobili pri upravljanju spletnih gostovanj, ki zahtevajo visoko optimizirane hitrosti prenosov in zelo hitre dostopne čase, pri tudi več sto tisoč spletnih obiskovalcih na dan, nam omogočajo neprekinjeno vzdrževanje visoke stopnje kakovosti spletnih gostovanj. Vsa naša spletna gostovanja se nahajajo na lastnih strežnikih, ki so locirani v Sloveniji. Pozitivne izkušnje več kot 3000 strank potrjujejo naše vodilo kakovosti in odličnosti. Ponujamo tudi napredne spletne storitve, kot so izdelava spletnih strani registracija domen (slovenske .si in tuje .com, . net, .org in številne druge), SEO optimizacijo ter elektronsko poslovanje.

Contact info

Cesta v Zgornji log 32
Ljubljana Slovenia 1000 Slovenia

Sales Hotline: 386-51667100
Tech Helpline: 386-51667100

Presentia is a trademark of the ZGroup Group. In the good company , , DAT-IT and , Presentia provides the easiest web hosting on the market . doo
Merčnikova 6, 1000 Ljubljana