is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Truehost Cloud is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Truehost Cloud is one of the fastest growing web hosting companies. By January 2016, we had developed a few websites for clients but noticed a common complain from most of them. They were not satisfied at all with the level of reliability, computing resources available for their sites and level of support provided by hosting companies. We resolved to get into the market and provide the web hosting solutions in a manner satisfying to clients. We like having our clients feel the value for their money, hence our 24/7 speedy support system, affordable yet reliable web hosting services and acting to empower clients in cloud computing.

On hosting, we venture on Shared web hosting, Wordpress hosting, Windows hosting, VPS hosting and Dedicated server hosting.

Our most popular services are:
1. Free Shared Web hosting with features such as:
-1GB SSD disk space
-1GB Monthly Bandwidth transfer
-Free Let's Encrypt SSL
-1 domain hosted
*Domain must be registered at Truehost Cloud
2. Cheap VPS Hosting at $3.99 per month for 2GB RAM, 20GB SSD

Contact info

Call +1 512 551 1936
Get a Developer
106 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78701, US
Ryanada Place,Nairobi, KENYA.
Amodu Tijani Cl, Lagos, Nigeria
The Mixc,Shanghai, China