webhost.org.uk is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Web Hosting UK is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at http://www.webhost.org.uk/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Webhost.Org.UK is a leading provider in offering FREE Web hosting in UK “without advertisements”. WebHost.Org.UK offers free UK Web Hosting to all registered Charity, Schools /Colleges and research Websites in UK. We offer best quality free UK Hosting with 99% Uptime and best part is with no Adverts, no hidden charges.

WebHostUK is a well established company launched in 2004 and one of the leading UK Web hosting providers. To cater web hosting needs of NGO and education institutes, we have taken initiative to offer Free Web hosting to the registered NGO & Educational Institutes.

Contact info

WebHost UK LTD, UK
3rd Floor, 14 Hanover Street. London, UK