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Web Host Provide.com - Offers shared plans and domain registration.

At WebHostProvide.com, we provide complete and reliable web hosting solutions at an affordable price, exceptional technical support and unrivaled customer satisfaction to meet the needs of all potential users ranging from individuals (or home users) through to the small/medium size businesses (or the commerce users) who seek quality shared hosting solutions.

Located in Dallas, Texas and staffed 24/7/365, The Planet DataCenter boasts over 35,000 sq. ft. of raised floor and 15,000 sq.ft. of static free tile
with complete redundancy in power, fire suppression, network connectivity security, and cooling systems. Its facility infrastructure begins with multiple

OC48 SONET building fiber to provide basic connectivity to 8 access carriers. Its completely redundant, including a dual backup diesel generators

No Contract!
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Free / Instant Setup
Instant Backups
24/7 Technical Support
Quality Hardware

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