xservers.ro is not active web hosting company on WHTop

xServers.ro is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at https://www.cyberfolks.pl/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


xServers has been active in the web hosting services market for more than 10 years. Since its launch, we have set ourselves the goal of achieving the highest possible quality standards. Maintaining these high standards, as well as the permanent ambition of improvement, have made xServers evolve rapidly in one of the top providers in Romania.

Our system administrators have extensive experience in hosting and content management services, with multiple Microsoft, VMWare and Red Hat certifications. We have a long expertise in configuring the most advanced virtualization platforms, Hyper-V and VMWARE, all installed services are licensed and guaranteed by the most recognized companies worldwide. Our collaboration with Microsoft is constantly evolving, with xServers being a beta tester in their program to adopt Linux systems on the Hyper-V virtualization platform.

-- lang RO --
xServers activeaza in piata serviciilor de gazduire web hosting de mai bine de 10 ani. Inca de la lansare, ne-am propus atingerea unor standarde de calitate cat mai inalte. Mentinerea acestor standarde ridicate, precum si ambitia permanenta de perfectionare, au facut ca xServers sa evolueze rapid intr-unul dintre furnizorii de top din Romania.

Administratorii nostri de sistem au o bogata experienta in domeniul serviciilor de gazduire si content management, cu multiple certificari Microsoft, VMWare si Red Hat. Avem o expertiza indelungata in configurarea celor mai performante platforme de virtualizare, Hyper-V si VMWARE, toate serviciile instalate sunt licentiate si garantate de cele mai recunoscute companii de profil pe plan mondial. Colaborarea noastra cu Microsoft este in permanenta dezvoltare, xServers fiind beta-tester in programul acestora de adoptare a sistemelor Linux pe platforma de virtualizare Hyper-V.

Contact info


Calea Floreasca, nr. 169, Cladirea IPA, etaj I, Camera 6, sect. 1, Bucuresti, Cod postal 014459