is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Liveinhost is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Since 2015, Liveinhost has been dedicated to solving problems in hosting industry. Serving both small and large customers from over 100 countries over the years has given us strong foundation and visions on how a mission critical hosting company should be.

At Liveinhost, you can choose the operating system that need to be installed in your VPS. You will get full root access to the server at Liveinhost so that you can make any desired installations and customisations as per your needs. In case you feel like upgrading the server specs then you can easily do it without even rebooting the server or any data loss.

Our main office is based in India, the address has been provided on the front page of the website. For any sales or support related queries, anyone can contact us using our "contact us" page. All sales and technical issues will be handled 24/7.

Contact info

Liveinhost Web Services LLPNo.
CMC-27, 2nd Floor, Suite No.32
Aswathi Buildings, InfoPark Campus,Cherthala, Alappuzha - 688524 India